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Story Board

My story board drawing isn't very good, but you can understand the basic idea of it. Basically I had to include the following items in the storyboard: a gun, two close up shots of eyes, a light switch, a doorknob, feet walking, and a letter. I put them together into a good order that I think made out for a creative idea for a short film. I accidentally threw out my story board when I was cleaning out my back pack. I really need to get myself together to do well in cinema class this year. 


All of my shots came out very well I think. I left my SD card at home so I couldn't upload my shots on to the computer. I used a wheel chair to get a nice slo shot of people walking towards me as someone pulled the chair backwards. I got two good close up shots of eyes and I did a good job making the people look angry. all in all I was very happy with my shots and I'm very annoyed that I left my card at home because I wanted to edit this movie and see how it came out. 

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